Programmatic Horoscope 2020

In digital advertising, the year 2020 will be placed under the sign of consumers. A consumer more responsible and engaged, whose habits and expectations will make and break advertising practices : from the way that ads are created to building new ways of tracking the efficiency of a campaign. Programmatic – whose range of offer kept spreading during the past few years – appears as the best way to create a strong and long lasting bond between brands and their audiences on multiple touchpoints. More human, relevant, and creative, discover all the big trends and innovations to come this year.


The bell of 2020 rang and it’s time to break up with the old idea that programmatic is only an automated buying method and consider it for what it’s really becoming : a lever of its own, efficient and essential to marketers. During the last decade, programmatic has become a go to for digital advertisers but mostly its use has become more and more diverse as the targeting and broadcasting options have flourished. So much that programmatic now covers a wide spectrum of campaigns from : audio ads, drive to store strategies, social media or even TV ads, to special operation to retain an existing clientele. Mostly, programmatic has bloomed and revealed itself for its capacity to storytell coherent and efficient brand messages to a captive audience on multiple screens. Thus, as a powerful and omnichannel communication method, allowing to sequence the ads based on the different types of consumers but also based on their needs and expectations.


In 10 years, the way digital media has been bought drastically changed and this new decade marks the advent of a new marketing : more inclusive, personal and for which relevancy becomes a keyword. At the core of this transformation, machine learning and artificial intelligence will allow to enter the era of mass customization. In other words, exit to the unique banner and welcome to the automation of messages customized to each user based on their profile and various criterias. Even though those technologies work using user’s data, new reforms and e-privacy reglementations encourage a more responsible and transparent use of the latter. Also, just like any raw material, data must be collected by the book and enhanced. Thus, brands will more than ever count on the savoir-faire et intelligence of experts to guide them through this transition and help them make the best of their assets.


20/20, the grade assigned to this year’s programmatic campaigns ? One thing is for sure, expectations in term of creativity will take a whole new dimension. It won’t be a matter of adapting traditional formats to digital screens and medias (shortening an ad, narrow the framing of a shot…) but really rethink and design the numeric identity of a brand to fit digitals. An exciting challenge for advertisers since digital is a wonderful playground to build a real conversation between brands and internet users. Interactives, playful but mostly engaging, ludiques but mostly engaging, creating will take a bigger importance in the performance of a campaign and count as an indicator of its own. On top of that, it will be the opportunity for brand to be more impactful on digital and to measure the impact of a creative idea in real time before using it for classic medias such as TV.


In 2020, brands will go on operation to win the heart of their target and programmatic will most likely be their best digital asset to reach their goal. As nothing ever happens by coincidence, many factors will have to be taken into account before going after their targets, starting by the place where they can meet and catch them. To address a customer efficiently, brands will have to get a better understanding of their routines, customs and interests but also to be present on platforms where they are the most attentive. Among the most recent ones, we count Pinterest for instance (for the moodboards fans), Tiktok (Gen Z’s new favorite) or communautary platforms (like Twitch for gamers). Great news since most of those inventories are now available through programmatic!

We’ll never say it enough, any brand who wants to perform must place the consumer at the heart of its concerns. When it comes to communication, it mostly means being in line with the customer’s set of values : understand what drives them, motivate their purchases, makes their day. Among those values, responsibility is becoming fundamental so advertisers have to make sure that they are adapting both their messages but also their practice in order to limit their impact on the environment. A mission and motivation source for everyone on the market for the next decade…

Psst..connaissez-vous les 6 tendances marketing de 2024 ?

En ce début d'année, tous les experts des agences du groupe Biggie se  sont rassemblés pour vous donner 6 insights marketing incontournables  en 2024.Dans ce book, on parle :

  • Omnicanalité Maîtrisée : Fusionnez les canaux pour créer une expérience client complète.
  • Mesure d'Attention : Évaluez l'impact réel de vos campagnes dans un univers publicitaire en évolution.
  • Ciblage intergénérationnel : Cassez les cloisons grâce aux ciblages comportementaux.
  • 🎁 et bien plus encore à découvrir !